Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Lavy, Victor. "Using performance-based pay to improve the quality of teachers. The Future of Children.Spring 2007.
Kyriakides, L., & Kelly, K. L. "The impact of engagement in large-scale assessment on teachers' professional development: The emergent literacy baseline assessment project. Journal of Research in Childhood Education." Fall 2003.

Beck, K. A., Ogloff, J. R., & Corbishley, A. "Knowledge, compliance, and attitudes of teachers toward mandatory child abuse reporting in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Education." Winter 1994.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Vocation of a Teacher

Teachers are part of everyone's lives. They are often viewed as people who have a great amount of knowledge and get in front of a group younger people to teach. This is true, they teach math, English, science, etc. Many of the times, teachers serve as support for students. If they struggle through a topic, they are there. It even extends if it's something beyond the classroom. Going into this type of career, I will want to expand on this and therefore my research project will consist on the topic of teachers.
1. What made you consider teaching and in that subject?
2. Is this the job you love or would you prefer something else?
3 What is the salary for a teacher?
4. Is it worth getting paid that amount?
5. Are there any benefits?
6. Is everyone fit to become a teacher?
7. Overall, is it worth being a teacher?
8. How do you deal with misbehaving students?
9. How do you deal when students don't like you as a teacher?
10. How can a teacher change lives?

Influence of Literacy

In the interview from Harvard, the interviewer and the journalist start from Stephen Greenblatt’s childhood and end up to where he currently is. During his childhood, Stephen was greatly influenced by his parents. His mother was a stay at home mom while his father was a lawyer. Although his mother did not have a college education, he still learned stories from his mother. Many of the stories he was told were not related to family. They were stories in which other people told stories to his parents and were told to him. Also, many were meant to symbolize him as a character to teach him a type of lesson. In his home, there was not a great deal of influence from literacy. As he grew older, he took into consideration what his decisions could be. In the end, he decided to stay and finish his education in England instead in pursuing law in Yale.