Monday, November 3, 2014

Article Summery

Balyer, Aydin; Ozcan, Kenan. " Choosing Teaching Profession as a Career: Students' Reasons." International Education Studies 7.5 (2014): 104-115. Web. May 2014.
When considering a degree in teaching, sometimes a student chooses this because there is influence around them. Many students chose teaching due to intrinsic motivation. This meaning that they do it, not for themselves, but for others. By taking on this job, they believe that they are going to help students. They see themselves helping students achieve higher education. Many take part in this because they love the job. The love being with students and being able to teach them and help them in anyway that is possible. Some of the teachers don't chose this career because of money or its position in social situations, rather because it is something they will enjoy. On the other hand, others do it because of extrinsic motivation. They do it because of the benefits it offers, such as good pay and good working conditions. They get days off such as holidays and summers, something many other jobs don't allow a person to receive.

This relates to my topic because it highlights some of the main points as to why I'm considering(almost 100% sure) that this will be my future career.

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